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Barbie Birthday Party for my Little Baby Girl

My sweetie Ruth is turning 3 years old very soon. I asked her what kind of party she wanted and without any delay she said  “A Barbie Party!” – wow. I loved Barbies when I was growing up, but my other two girls haven’t enjoyed this icon as much as my little baby girl Ruthie. She plays with her Barbies everyday! It makes sense to throw a Barbie theme for her this year. The big deal for every party is the cake I “try” to bake the kids. Barbie… and cake… what in the world should I bake?

The Barbie Dress Cake!

It starts with a little mixing by my cutie pie Jadis.


In my cake batter I had to use store eggs because my chickens don’t lay in the winter. Lazy hens.


Then we all watch it rise.


To get the top of the Barbie dress I used an oven safe bowl. The bottom of her dress is two 9″ cake pans.


The next day I woke up early to make the homemade buttercream frosting. Ruthie “helped” me a lot!


It is important to make sure your cake is cooled before you put on the crumb coat or dirty icing. Once you have coated your cake put it into your fridge for at least a half an hour.


Once it is hard enough remove it from the fridge and layer the cake with your frosting. After I was done frosting my whole cake I went looking for a Barbie to place into the middle of the Barbie cake. Well, I wasn’t gone that long before I heard Ruthie telling me “Mommy, I did it! I found a Barbie and it’s all done!” “Oh, no.” quickly ran through my mind.


Once I gave her back her doll to lick clean, I went back to work breaking the legs off another older Barbie. The girls had cut her hair and drew on her legs, so I didn’t mind breaking her apart. I stuck her in the middle of the cake top and decorated the “dress” cake with sliver sprinkles. My buttercream was starting to melt which made Barbie’s pink dress look a little bit droopy. However, it was good enough for a 3 year old’s Barbie Birthday Party with our family.


Ruthie was excited to play with her cousin and her friend Lily. I can’t believe she is turning 3 years old already. I would love it if she stayed 2 years old forever.


Ruthie had a great time opening all her gifts from her loved ones. She got Barbies, books, My Little Pony toys and Daddy bought her a Tinkerbell tent!


I loved this shot I got of her today during the Barbie Birthday Party because she looks like a mini Barbie!


We enjoyed sloppy joes, chips and pop for lunch, but by the time we were eating Ruthie was getting tired out.


I love parties! Ruthie picked a great theme for her third Birthday. The next Birthday is Jadis’ and Isaiah’s on the same day, plus Ryan is the day after their Birthday. I am working on throwing them a fun whole weekend party. Last year Jadis didn’t really get a party due to me having a baby Isaiah that day 🙂

xoxo Kelly

Do you do theme Birthday Parties for your family?